Artigo científico sobre as mais recentes tendências nas técnicas de análise de composição química de partículas publicado em periódico internacional de elevado fator de impacto

O artigo "Trends in analytical techniques applied to particulate matter characterization: A critical review of fundaments and applications" foi publicado na revista Chemosphere, com fator de impacto de 4,20. O artigo apresenta as mais recentes técnicas de análise de composição química de partículas com o objetivo de identificação origem, incluindo uma discussão crítica sobre cada técnica com suas vantagens, desvantagens e aplicabilidade a cada um dos problemas encontrados em aplicações práticas.
Segue abaixo o abstract do artigo:
Epidemiological studies have shown the association of airborne particulate matter (PM) size and chemical composition with health problems affecting the cardiorespiratory and central nervous systems. PM also act as cloud condensation nuclei (CNN) or ice nuclei (IN), taking part in the clouds formation process, and therefore can impact the climate. There are several works using different analytical techniques in PM chemical and physical characterization to supply information to source apportionment models that help environmental agencies to assess damages accountability. Despite the numerous analytical techniques described in the literature available for PM characterization, laboratories are normally limited to the in-house available techniques, which raises the question if a given technique is suitable for the purpose of a specific experimental work. The aim of this work consists of summarizing the main available technologies for PM characterization, serving as a guide for readers to find the most appropriate technique(s) for their investigation. Elemental analysis techniques like atomic spectrometry based and X-ray based techniques, organic and carbonaceous techniques and surface analysis techniques are discussed, illustrating their main features as well as their advantages and drawbacks. We also discuss the trends in analytical techniques used over the last two decades. The choice among all techniques is a function of a number of parameters such as: the relevant particles physical properties, sampling and measuring time, access to available facilities and the costs associated to equipment acquisition, among other considerations. An analytical guide map is presented as a guideline for choosing the most appropriated technique for a given analytical information required.
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